Ch 16: Carbohydrates

  1. Carbohydrates and Metabolism
    1. Carbohydrates:polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones (or their cyclic forms)
    2. Photosynthesis and Respiration
    3. Glucose metabolism
  2. Examples of Carbohydrates
    1. D-Glucose, a monosaccharide.
    2. Sucrose (table sugar),a disaccharide
    3. Glycogen, a polysaccharide
  3. Stereoisomerism
    1. Definition: stereoisomers are molecules with the same molecular formula, the same "atom connectivity", but different 3D structues
    2. Cis-trans isomers are examples of stereoisomers
    3. Enantiomers are mirror-image stereoisomers (they are "chiral")
      1. Your hands are chiral objects
      2. Chiral carbon centers (4 different attached groups)
      3. Mirror-image molecules
    4. Chiral molecules "rotate plane-polarized light"; they are "optically active")
      1. Light waves
      2. Optical rotation / polarimeter
  4. Monosaccharides (have a single aldehyde or ketone group in their acyclic forms)
    1. Glyceraldehyde
      1. D/L nomenclature and Fischer projections
    2. Glucose, an aldohexose
      1. Fischer projection of D-glucose
      2. Fischer projections of D- and L-glucose
      3. Glucose anomers
      4. Other aldohexoses
    3. Ribose: an aldopentose, and the "R" in RNA
    4. Monosaccharides (and some disaccharides and polysaccharides) are "reducing sugars"
      1. The Tollens Test
      2. Benedict's Test
  5. Disaccharides
    1. Maltose, malt sugar
    2. Lactose, milk sugar
      1. Structure
      2. Lactose intolerance video (5 min)
    3. Sucrose, table sugar (or beet sugar or cane sugar)
  6. Polysaccharides (composed of hundreds of linked monosaccharides)
    1. Amylose (component of starch for glucose storage), α-1,4 links
      1. Spiral structure of amylose
    2. Amylopectin (component of starch for glucose storage), α-1,4 links and α1-6 links
    3. Glycogen (for glucose storage in animals), α-1,4 links and α-1,6 links
      1. Cross section of a glycogen granule
    4. Cellulose(structural component of plant cell walls) β-1,4 links
      1. Cellulose digestion

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