Exam Format

The exam will be available at 10:00 Monday 4/20 on the course Blackboard site under "Assignments". Once you start the exam, you will have 80 minutes to complete all 33 multiple-choice questions. The questions will appear in random order, one at a time, and it will not be possible to revisit a question once you submit an answer.

A one page "exam handout" will be posted the evening before the exam. It will contain a few structures needed to answer some of the questions.

The exam will not be available after 11:45 on Wednesday. If you start at 10:00, your exam will automatically end at 11:20. If you start at 10:10, your exam will end at 11:30. If you start at 11:30, you will only have 15 minutes to complete it because the testing period will end at 11:45.

This is an open book test. You can consult your notes and/or the textbook, but you will need to work quickly to finish 33 questions in 80 minutes. It would be best to be fully prepared so it is not necessary to spend any time reading through the book. You cannot consult with another person during the exam, and you cannot search the internet for answers, except for the online text and any class materials.

Ch 16: Carbohydrates

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. carbohydrate
    2. monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide
    3. stereoisomer
    4. enantiomer
    5. chiral, chiral carbon
    6. plane-polarized light
    7. optical rotation, specific rotation
    8. aldohexose, ketohexose, etc.
    9. Fischer projection
    10. Haworth projection
    11. anomer, anomeric carbon
    12. reducing sugars
    13. glycoside links and how to classify them (like alpha-1,4)
    14. amylose, amylopectin, glycogen, cellulose
    15. diabetes, lactose intolerance
  2. Structures to Know
    1. D-glyceraldehye, L-glyceraldehyde
    2. D-glucose,open-chain form and cyclic form (Haworth projection)
  3. Things to Skip
    1. The special topic on "Artificial Sweetners"
    2. Common names for carbohydrates, like brain sugar, blood sugar, etc.
    3. End of Chapter Problems 13-19
    4. Any textbook problem with no textbook answer

Ch 17: Lipids

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. lipid
    2. saponifiable lipid
    3. saturated, unsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids
    4. melting point trends for fatty acids
    5. triglyceride, fat, oil
    6. phosphoglyceride (or phospholipid)
    7. sphingolipids
    8. waxes
    9. steroid
    10. bile salt
    11. monolayer, bilayer
    12. micelle
    13. cell membrane
  2. Structures to Know
    1. glycerol
    2. a generic fatty acid (the general structure, no names)
    3. a generic soap molecule
    4. the basic steroid 4-ring structure
  3. Reactions to Know
    1. Saponifaction of a triglyceride
    2. Addition of H2 to oils (with unsaturated fatty acids)
  4. Things to Skip
    1. The special topic on "prostaglandins"
    2. Any textbook problem with no textbook answer

Ch 18: Amino Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. protein, peptide, dipeptide, polypeptide
    2. protein functions: terms in table 18.1
    3. zwitterion
    4. side-chain group of amino acids
    5. peptide bond
    6. N-terminal, C-terminal ends of proteins or peptides
    7. fibrous proteins
    8. globular proteins
    9. primary protein structure
    10. secondary protein structure (alpha-helix, beta-sheet)
    11. tertiary protein structure
    12. quaternary protein structure
    13. denaturation (of proteins)
    14. enzyme
    15. lock and key model of enzyme action
    16. induced fit model of enzyme action
    17. reversible inhibitor (of enzyme action)
    18. irreversible inhibitor (of enzyme action)
    19. enzyme cofactor
    20. coenzyme
    21. vitamin
  2. Structures to Know
    1. Fischer projection of a generic L-amino acid
    2. peptide bond
  3. Things to Skip
    1. Section 18.2, "Reactions of Amino Acids"
    2. Table 18.6, "Enzyme Classification Numbers"
    3. Section 18.7, "Enzyme Activity"
    4. noncompetitive inhibition and feedback inhibition
    5. Skip End-of-Chapter problems 13-19.
    6. Any textbook problem with no textbook answer

Other Things to Know

  1. Bonding patterns for organic functional groups (alkene, alchohol, ether, thiol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid, ester, amide)