The exam will be available at 8:30 Monday 5/11 on the course Blackboard site under "Assignments". Once you start the exam, you will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete all 50 multiple-choice questions. The questions will appear in random order, one at a time, and it will not be possible to revisit a question once you submit an answer.The exam will not be available after 11:00. If you start at 8:30, your exam will automatically end at 10:30. If you start at 8:45, your exam will end at 10:45. If you start at 10:30, you will only have 30 minutes to complete it because the testing period will end at 11:00.
This is an open book test. You can consult your notes and/or the textbook, but you will need to work quickly to finish 50 questions in 120 minutes. It would be best to be fully prepared so it is not necessary to spend any time reading through the book. You cannot consult with another person during the exam, and you cannot search the internet for answers, except for the online text and any class materials.