Exam Format

The exam will be available at 8:30 Monday 5/11 on the course Blackboard site under "Assignments". Once you start the exam, you will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete all 50 multiple-choice questions. The questions will appear in random order, one at a time, and it will not be possible to revisit a question once you submit an answer.

The exam will not be available after 11:00. If you start at 8:30, your exam will automatically end at 10:30. If you start at 8:45, your exam will end at 10:45. If you start at 10:30, you will only have 30 minutes to complete it because the testing period will end at 11:00.

This is an open book test. You can consult your notes and/or the textbook, but you will need to work quickly to finish 50 questions in 120 minutes. It would be best to be fully prepared so it is not necessary to spend any time reading through the book. You cannot consult with another person during the exam, and you cannot search the internet for answers, except for the online text and any class materials.

Ch 2: Elements, Atoms, and the Periodic Table

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. element
    2. proton
    3. neutron
    4. electron
    5. atomic number
    6. isotope
    7. mass number
    8. atomic orbitals (1s, 2s, 2p)
    9. electronic configuration of atoms and ions (e.g. N is 1s2 2s2 2p3)
    10. halogen
    11. noble gas
    12. atomic radii trends
    13. metals vs. nonmetals
  2. Elements to Know
    1. names and symbols of elements 1 though 12
    2. names and symbols for the first three noble gases
  3. Things to Skip
    1. Section 2.5, Atomic Masses

Ch 3 & 4: Ionic Bonding Covalent Bonding

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. ionic bond
    2. covalent bond
    3. octet rule
    4. valence shell, valence electrons
    5. cation and anion
    6. Lewis diagram
    7. single, double, and triple bonds
    8. electronegativity, electronegativity trends
    9. bond polarity
    10. shapes of molecules, VSEPR theory
  2. Structures to Know
    1. hydroxide ion (a polyatomic anion)
    2. ammonium ion (a polyatomic cation)

Ch 12: Alkanes and Halogenated Hydrocarbons

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. alkane, saturated hydrocarbon
    2. isomer
    3. condensed structural formulas
    4. line-angle drawings
    5. boiling point and melting point trends
    6. solubility
    7. dispersion forces
    8. ozone hole
  2. Nomenclature
    1. alkanes
    2. alkyl groups (up to C3)
    3. cycloalkanes
    4. halogenated hydocarbons
  3. Reactions
    1. combustion of hydrocarbons
    2. halogenation of alkanes
  4. Things to Skip
    1. density

Ch 13: Unsaturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. unsaturated hydrocarbon
    2. cis-trans isomerism
    3. aromatic compounds
  2. Nomenclature
    1. alkenes
    2. cis/trans disubstituted cycloalkanes
    3. alkynes
    4. some mono-substituted benzenes: toluene, phenol
    5. phenyl group
  3. Reactions of Alkenes
    1. Addition of H2 (Pt catalyst)
    2. Addition of Cl2 or Br2
    3. Addition of H2O (H-OH) (H2SO4 catalyst)
    4. Polymerization
  4. Things to Skip
    1. o, m, p nomenclature for disubstituted benzenes

Ch 14: Organic Compounds of Oxygen

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. hydrogen bonding
    2. boiling point trends
    3. water solubility trends
    4. primary, secondary, tertiary alcohols
    5. thiol, disulfide
    6. anesthetic
  2. Nomenclature
    1. alcohols (IUPAC)
    2. aldehydes (IUPAC)
    3. ketones (IUPAC)
    4. ethers (common)
    5. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone
  3. Reactions
    1. oxidation of alcohols
    2. dehydration of alcohols to form alkenes
    3. dehydration of alcohols to form ethers
    4. oxidation of aldehydes
  4. Things to Skip
    1. Section 14.6, Glycols and Glycerol
    2. phenol as a weak acid

Ch 15: Organic Acids and Bases and Some of their Derivatives

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. acid
    2. base
    3. hydronium ion
    4. strong hydrogen bonding in carboxylic acids
    5. alkaloid
  2. Nomenclature
    1. carboxylic acids (IUPAC)
    2. carboxylate salts (IUPAC)
    3. esters (IUPAC)
    4. amines (common)
  3. Reactions
    1. ionization of an acid in water
    2. neutralization of an acid with a base
    3. preparation of esters from carboxylic acids and alcohols
    4. hydrolysis of esters
    5. hydrolysis of amides
  4. Things to Skip
    1. condensation polymers and polyamides
    2. Section 15.10, Esters of Phosphoric Acid
    3. aniline-based names
    4. amide nomenclature

Condensed Structural Formulas for Some Functional Groups

  1. Alcohol CH3CHOHCH3, ether CH3OCH3, thiol CH3CHSHCH3,
  2. Ketone CH3COCH3, aldehyde CH3CHO
  3. Carboxylic acid CH3COOH, ester CH3COOCH3, amide CH3CONH2

Ch 16: Carbohydrates (see the exam 3 review)

Ch 17: Lipids
(see the exam 3 review)

Ch 18: Proteins
(see the exam 3 review)

Ch 19: Nucleic Acids

  1. Definitions and Concepts
    1. nucleic acid
    2. DNA nucleotide
    3. Pyrimidine (1 ring) and purine (2 rings) bases
    4. RNA nucleotide
    5. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
    6. Base pairing (DNA-DNA, DNA-RNA)
    7. 5'- and 3'-ends of nucleic acid strands
    8. DNA double helix
    9. DNA polymerase
    10. Ribosome
    11. Transcription
    12. Translation
    13. Genetic code (print table)
    14. Codon and anticodon
    15. DNA virus
    16. RNA virus
    17. Retro virus
  2. Things to Skip
    1. Section 19.5, Mutations and Genetic Diseases