Organic Biochemistry 160:108 Spring 2020
Lecture Outlines
Ch 2: Elements, Atoms, and the Periodic Table
- Elements
- Examples and Symbols
- Stability of Elements
- Atoms and Molecules
- Deconstruct a Molecule: Methane
- Atoms and Atom Symbols
- Isotopes of Elements
- Electronic Structure of Atoms
- Wierdness of Quantum Mechanics
- Electron Orbitals
- Notation and Diagrams
- The Periodic Table
- Metals vs. Nonmetals
- Group Names
- Atomic Radii Trends
- Electronic Configurations
Skip section 2.5 (Atomic Masses)
Ch 3 & 4: Ionic and Covalent Bonding; Characteristics of Molecules
- Special Stability of Noble Gases
- Ionic Bonds
- Covalent Bonds
- Electron Sharing
- Covalent Bond Numbers Some Elements
- Multiple Bonds
- Electronegativity and Bond Polarity
- Shapes of Molecules
- Introduction to Organic Functional Groups
Skip sections 3.4 (Ionic Nomenclature), 3.5 (Formula Mass), 4.2 (Covalent
Compounds: Formulas and Names), and example 7 of section 4.5.
Ch 12: Alkanes and Halogenated Hydrocarbons
- Structures and Names of Alkanes
- Alkanes: Saturated Hydrocarbons
- Alkane Nomenclature
- Condensed Structural Formulas and Line-Angle Drawings
- Isomers and Conformers
- Cycloalkanes
- Properties and Reactions of Alkanes
- Solubility
- Boiling Point and Melting Point Trends
- Chemical Reactivity
- Origins of Alkanes
- Halogenated Hydrocarbons
- Examples
- Nomenclature
Ch 13: Unsaturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Introduction to Alkenes
- Alkene Structure and Bonding
- Nomenclature
- Cis-Trans Isomerism
- Alkene Examples
- Disubstitutes Cylcoalkane Examples
- Reactions of Alkenes
- Addition Reactions
- Polymerization
- Alkynes
- Structure and Bonding
- Nomenclature
- Reactivity
- Aromatic Compounds
- Benzene
- Benzene Derivatives
- Monosubstituted Examples
- Naming Disubstituted Benzenes
- The Phenyl Group
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Ch 14: Organic Compounds of Oxygen
- Alcohols
- Nomenclature and Examples
- Physical Properties
- Preparation of Alcohols from Alkenes
- Reactions of Alcohols
- Oxidation
- Dehydration
- Esterification (next chapter)
- Aldehydes and Ketones
- Nomenclature and Examples
- Physical Properties
- Preparation from Alcohols
- Oxidation
- Ethers
- Thiols and Thioethers
Ch 15: Organic Acids and Bases and Some of their Derivatives
- Carboxylic Acids (Organic Acids)
- Examples
- Nomenclature
- Preparation
- Physical Properties
- Reactions
- Esters
- Nomenclature and Examples
- Preparation
- Hydrolysis of Esters
- Amines (Organic Bases)
- Nomenclature and Examples
- Physical Properties
- Basicity
- Amides
- Nomenclature and Examples
- Preparation
- Hydrolysis
Skip section 15.10 (Esters of Phosphoric Acid). Also skip
polyesters, polyamides, aniline, and naming ammonium ions