Lecture Outlines

Ch 2: Elements, Atoms, and the Periodic Table

  1. Elements
    1. Examples and Symbols
    2. Stability of Elements
  2. Atoms and Molecules
    1. Deconstruct a Molecule: Methane
    2. Atoms and Atom Symbols
    3. Isotopes of Elements
  3. Electronic Structure of Atoms
    1. Wierdness of Quantum Mechanics
    2. Electron Orbitals
    3. Notation and Diagrams
  4. The Periodic Table
    1. Metals vs. Nonmetals
    2. Group Names
    3. Atomic Radii Trends
    4. Electronic Configurations
Skip section 2.5 (Atomic Masses)

Ch 3 & 4: Ionic and Covalent Bonding; Characteristics of Molecules

  1. Special Stability of Noble Gases
  2. Ionic Bonds
  3. Covalent Bonds
    1. Electron Sharing
    2. Covalent Bond Numbers Some Elements
    3. Multiple Bonds
  4. Electronegativity and Bond Polarity
  5. Shapes of Molecules
  6. Introduction to Organic Functional Groups
Skip sections 3.4 (Ionic Nomenclature), 3.5 (Formula Mass), 4.2 (Covalent Compounds: Formulas and Names), and example 7 of section 4.5.

Ch 12: Alkanes and Halogenated Hydrocarbons

  1. Structures and Names of Alkanes
    1. Alkanes: Saturated Hydrocarbons
    2. Alkane Nomenclature
    3. Condensed Structural Formulas and Line-Angle Drawings
  2. Isomers and Conformers
  3. Cycloalkanes
  4. Properties and Reactions of Alkanes
    1. Solubility
    2. Boiling Point and Melting Point Trends
    3. Chemical Reactivity
  5. Origins of Alkanes
  6. Halogenated Hydrocarbons
    1. Examples
    2. Nomenclature

Ch 13: Unsaturated and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

  1. Introduction to Alkenes
    1. Alkene Structure and Bonding
    2. Nomenclature
  2. Cis-Trans Isomerism
    1. Alkene Examples
    2. Disubstitutes Cylcoalkane Examples
  3. Reactions of Alkenes
    1. Addition Reactions
    2. Polymerization
  4. Alkynes
    1. Structure and Bonding
    2. Nomenclature
    3. Reactivity
  5. Aromatic Compounds
    1. Benzene
    2. Benzene Derivatives
      1. Monosubstituted Examples
      2. Naming Disubstituted Benzenes
    3. The Phenyl Group
    4. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Ch 14: Organic Compounds of Oxygen

  1. Alcohols
    1. Nomenclature and Examples
    2. Physical Properties
    3. Preparation of Alcohols from Alkenes
    4. Reactions of Alcohols
      1. Oxidation
      2. Dehydration
      3. Esterification (next chapter)
  2. Aldehydes and Ketones
    1. Nomenclature and Examples
    2. Physical Properties
    3. Preparation from Alcohols
    4. Oxidation
  3. Ethers
  4. Thiols and Thioethers

Ch 15: Organic Acids and Bases and Some of their Derivatives

  1. Carboxylic Acids (Organic Acids)
    1. Examples
    2. Nomenclature
    3. Preparation
    4. Physical Properties
    5. Reactions
  2. Esters
    1. Nomenclature and Examples
    2. Preparation
    3. Hydrolysis of Esters
  3. Amines (Organic Bases)
    1. Nomenclature and Examples
    2. Physical Properties
    3. Basicity
  4. Amides
    1. Nomenclature and Examples
    2. Preparation
    3. Hydrolysis
Skip section 15.10 (Esters of Phosphoric Acid). Also skip polyesters, polyamides, aniline, and naming ammonium ions